Sidens emne: Investor Relations

Bond issuance

Nykredit is the world's largest issuer of covered bonds backed by mortgages on real estate. Nykredit also issues other debt instruments, such as Additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital, Tier 2 capital, bail-inable senior debt etc. Read about issues, green bonds, bond data, rating, active prospectuses, funding programmes etc.

Green bonds

Responsibility is incorporated in Nykredit's business strategy: “We want to be the customer-owned, responsible financial provider for people and businesses all over Denmark.” 

We are committed to supporting our customers in making sustainable choices through a higher share of positive impact financing across a wide range of products.

On this basis, Nykredit has since May 2019 issued green bonds.

Nykredit bond information

In order to maintain a high level of transparency in the Danish mortgage bond market, Nykredit publish a number of data for bond investors. The purpose is to support effective pricing of callable covered bonds by providing data that can be used to model debtor’s prepayment behavior.


Nykredit funds most of its lending via the capital markets and access to these markets are therefore important for the Group’s ability to extend new loans and roll over funding.

Nykredit’s covered bonds are rated by S&P Global Ratings. The covered bonds rated by S&P have been assigned a AAA rating.

Both S&P Global Ratings and Fitch have assigned short and long term ratings to companies within Nykredit Group.