EBA has published its 2021 EU-wide Transparency Exercise. See the results for Nykredit Realkredit Group under the link below.
Nykredit Realkredit, Totalkredit and Nykredit Bank are subject to supervision by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (Danish FSA). Read about covered bond regulation, the joint funding model, reports and comments by the Danish FSA and regulatory measures that affect our business, funding plan etc.

Regulation of mortgage loans funded by covered bonds
Denmark introduced the first covered bond legislation in the mid-19th century. Mortgage banks are highly regulated credit institutions and are required to fund all mortgage lending by issuance of covered bonds.
The purpose of EU and Danish covered bond legislation is to ensure that covered bonds are bonds with low risk for investors.
Regulation of Danish covered bonds
Nykredit covered bonds comply with UCITS regulation for covered bonds.
The majority of covered bonds issued by Nykredit after 1 January 2008 also comply with the covered bond criterias of the CRD/CRR.
Danish legislation was last amended in the summer of 2007, in part to ensure the continuous eligibility of Danish mortgage bonds as covered bonds under the stricter CRD definition.
Capital flexibility
Nykredit's business model dictates a strong capital structure to support competitive credit ratings and ensure business continuity regardless of considerable fluctuations in economic activity.
Joint funding
Nykredit Group includes two separate mortgage banks that are both licensed to issue covered bonds. In order to facilitate a more efficient funding of the Group’s mortgage lending the Group is employing a joint funding model under which mortgage loans from Totalkredit are funded by issuance of covered bonds from the parent company Nykredit Realkredit.
The joint funding model is approved by the Danish FSA.
Minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) and debt buffer requirement
As part of the implementation of the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD), Denmark has introduced a minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL).
Danish FSA inspection reports
Read the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority’s inspection reports for the Nykredit Group here:
The reports are only available in Danish.

Nykredit publishes its European MIFID template for all its issued bonds. The list can be downloaded from the the link below.