Sidens emne:
About us

Group Management
- Group Chief Executive: Michael Rasmussen (CEO)
- Group Executive Board: Anders Jensen, David Hellemann, Tonny Thierry Andersen and Pernille Sindby
Group Structure
Nykredit Realkredit A/S is wholly owned by Nykredit A/S, the sole object of which is to own Nykredit Realkredit A/S. The shareholders comprise: Forenet Kredit, majority shareholder, Industriens Realkreditfond, Østifterne f.m.b.a., PRAS A/S and a consortium consisting of PFA Pension, PensionDanmark, PKA, AP Pension and MP Pension. The business activities of Nykredit are undertaken by Nykredit Realkredit A/S, which carries on mortgage lending and other activities through its subsidiaries Totalkredit A/S, Nykredit Bank A/S, Nykredit Mægler A/S and Nykredit Ejendomme A/S.
All subsidiaries are wholly owned.

Board of Directors: Nykredit A/S

Board of Directors: Nykredit Realkredit A/S

Board Committees

Executive Committee

Corporate Governance