

Frederik Engholm photo

Frederik Engholm

Chief Strategist: Describes and defines the global economy and the investment market in a broad perspective, including Nykredit's views on the investment, fixed income, foreign exchange and equity markets.

Sune Malthe-Thagaard photo

Sune Malthe-Thagaard

Chief Analyst: Advises and inspires the Danes on loan financing based on current interest rates and relevant mortgage products.

Jeanette Kølbek photo

Jeanette Kølbek

Wealth Expert: Provides insight into personal finance as well as current consumer trends in savings, pension and investment. Helps Danes navigate safely through the landscape of personal finance and optimise their wealth planning to obtain lifetime financial security.

Palle Sørensen photo

Palle Sørensen

Chief Economist: Describes and defines the Danish economy in broad outline. Nykredit's Chief Economist is an active voice in the public debate and provides economic analyses put into perspective of the current political conditions.

Svend Greniman Andersen photo

Svend Greniman Andersen

Seniorøkonom i Nykredit: Rådgiver og inspirerer boligejerne om boligfinansiering, boligpriser og udviklingen på boligmarkedet.


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