Corporate responsibility

Nykredit is the largest lender in Denmark, the largest lender to homeowners and one of the largest lenders to small and medium-sized businesses, the agricultural sector and the housing sector. We are owned by an association of customers. As such, we have a special responsibility for creating value to our customers and to society.

Kvinde med en spand på en mark


Corporate responsibility lies at the core of Nykredit's strategy: “We want to be the customer-owned responsible financial provider for people and businesses all over Denmark.”

Nykredit is committed and uniquely positioned to help solve the common challenges faced by society and to make a difference.

We will be active in all of Denmark and support growth – in urban and rural districts alike. At all times. And we will do our best to create a greener Denmark for our children and for future generations.

Read about our 2030 Climate Targets Plan

Our corporate responsibility efforts are focused on three main themes:

  • Nykredit will actively support development and growth throughout Denmark – at all times.
  • Nykredit will actively support sustainable development.

  • Responsible business practices

The three main themes serve as a guide to Nykredit’s corporate responsibility efforts. Initiatives taken under the three main themes support our contribution to a long-term, sustainable economic development. Read more about the tree main themes below or in the Corporate Responsibility Report 2023.

Development and growth throughout Denmark

Nykredit wants to be able to provide loans and support development and growth in all of Denmark. At all times. Read more about how we promote development and growth throughout Denmark here.

Sustainable development

We will do our best to help solve the climate challenges and promote a greener Denmark. Read more about our work with sustainable housing, businesses, agriculture and investments here.

Responsible business practices

Nykredit is committed to responsible business practices in relation to staff, customers and society as a whole. This requires strong credit and risk management practices and a healthy, open business culture and a persistent focus on making Nykredit a better and greener workplace. Read more about our work here.


We report on our corporate responsibility and sustainability commitments once a year in connection with our annual financial reporting. Our Corporate responsibility Report and other ESG-related reporting are available here.


The Nykredit Group’s policies play a central role in securing a responsible and sustainable business conduct across the Group. Read our policies here.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals as our guide

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) guide us in identifying areas where we can make a difference. Read more about our work here.

Useful links

Nykredits klimamål blåstemplet

Foreningsejede Nykredit bliver første store långiver og systemiske, finansielle institut i Skandinavien med klimamål, der er blåstemplet af Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Nykredit's green bonds

Nykredit is committed to support our customers in making sustainable choices. Nearly 40% of total energy consumption stems from buildings. On this basis, Nykredit has since May 2019 issued green mortgage bonds aimed at making it more attractive to finance energy-efficient buildings.