Responsible Investment

Nykredit's investments are always rooted in an ambition to leave a positive mark on the world we are all a part of. This is true when we invest on behalf of our clients and on our own account. Investments are key to driving green choices and sustainability. We furthermore believe that companies exercising diligence and care in respect of their customers, employees and the communities they are part of are more profitable in the long run.

Investeringsfonden der gør en forskel

The Nykredit Invest Bæredygtige Aktier fund is the first Danish managed fund to obtain the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. The fund has outperformed the MSCI World Index (net) for three consecutive years. The fund has also been well received by our customers. Against this background, in 2020 Nykredit will launch a range of new balanced savings products, all offering an enhanced sustainability profile.

Nykredit er en del af Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative

Net Zero Asset Managers-initiativet forpligter kapitalforvaltere som Nykredit og Sparinvest til at have CO2-neutrale porteføljer i 2050 eller tidligere. Nykredit har også forpligtet sig for at sætte mål for 2030.

Nykredit og Sparinvest har forpligtet sig til at 100% af vores investeringer er placeret, så vi er på linje med målet om en maksimal global temperaturstigning på 1,5 gader og er i dialog med virksomhederne om at gå i den retning. Fra 2020 til 2030 vil Nykredit reducere sin udledning i investeringsporteføljen med 60%.

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Sammen om ansvarlighed

Since 2008, Nykredit has undertaken to act in accordance with the ten principles of responsibility under the UN Global Compact. Moreover, as an investor, Nykredit acceded to UNPRI's principles for responsible investment in 2009. We also have partnerships with other Danish and Nordic investors on new socially responsible investment methods through Dansif and Carbon Disclosure Project. Dansif is an association of Danish institutional investors, such as pension funds, banks and foundations.