Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing

Et område af høj prioritet

Prevention of financial crime is a key concern to Nykredit and is guided by:

  • effective and transparent policies and procedures
  • an effective management, creating awareness and transparency about and driving a positive Group-wide approach to the prevention of financial crime
  • skilled staff and training programmes at all levels and in all lines of defence
  • active collaboration with relevant authorities.

Samarbejde og indsatser

Nykredit has a whistleblowing scheme under which staff can anonymously report violations or potential violations of financial regulation.

Nykredits organsation

Nykredit's organisation, including the AML organisation, is built around the three lines of defence.

See Nykredit's organizational chart

Derfor stiller vi spørgsmål til kunderne

Med dokumentation på alle vores kunder kan vi bedst muligt komme de kriminelle i forkøbet og bidrage til, at hverken virksomheder eller private personer, der er kunder i Nykredit, bliver udnyttet til hvidvask eller økonomisk kriminalitet. Læs mere her: Kære kunde, derfor stiller vi dig spørgsmål (

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